(Originally appeared In BET online around 2003 or so when BET did book reviews. I wrote a few of them.)
The Miner’s Canary
The Miner’s Canary
Enlisting Race, Resisting Power, Transforming Democracy
Harvard University Press
Lani Guinier and Gerald Torres
our view, unless we begin to rethink power, we are going to witness the slow
but steady evisceration of American democracy as fewer and fewer people
participate, as government decision-making loses legitimacy, and as private
power becomes more and more concentrated in the hands of a few winners, who
will not hesitate to take all. Put simply, we need to rethink power in order to
save democracy.”
“The Miner’s Canary)
first heard of Lani Guinier back in 1993 when the usual lot of sleazy
Washington conservatives decided not only that she didn’t deserve an
administration appointment, but didn’t even want to give this woman—who
appeared super literate and impressive in every interview that I had seen—the
courtesy of a public hearing. I figured if the Jesse Helms crowd didn’t even
want her ideas aired, then I needed to find out what her “subversive” ideas
were all about.
And after discovering her ideas I could see why the
establishment (Or what I seriously refer to as “The Man”) found them so
disturbing. Her ideas are truly revolutionary. Guinier, in her first book
“Tyranny of the Majority”, makes the case that the winner take all election
system itself not only hurts minority interests (any minority interests by the
way, such as drug decriminalization supporters, proponents of alt fuels, the
Hispanic voter etc.) but third party efforts as well and may in fact deaden the
desire to participate in what appears to be a fixed political game—ever so
transparent in these big lobby, big scandal, supreme court selected president
times. If her ideas of proportional representation and smarter balloting were
ever enacted, then conditions in the black community would certainly improve,
but how do you advance minority interests in the face of hostile majorities?
Professor Guinier, now a tenured Harvard University
professor, attempts to answer “how” in her new book “The Miner’s Canary”, which
is subtitled: “Enlisting Race, Resisting Power, Transforming Democracy”. It was
co-written by Gerald Torres, a University of Texas law
professor who Guinier has collaborated with since 1990. Word to the wise: This is a difficult and
demanding read. If you find yourself uncomfortable around such ideas as magical
realism, critical race theory, the writings of Michel Foucault and 60 pages of
footnotes, then you might want to wait for the Cliff Notes version.
Patient and industrious readers, however, will appreciate
the logical rigor of the book and its number of surprising insights and
observations. Personally, I found the arguments outlining the limitations
against affirmative action to be eye opening. Or as she asks indirectly: what
real difference does it make if a black person runs AOL /Time
Warner? I find this point compelling. Has “cosmetic diversity”, as Guinier
phrases it, represented by a Tiger Woods or Condi Rice, alleviated the massive
financial and social inequalities within the nation’s black communities? That’s
known as a question that answers itself and it’s a tough question that Guinier
and Torres attempt to answer.
The writers argue that beneficial change has to come by
using the idea of “Political Race”. For example, the writers argue blacks will
be the most effective leaders of change because blacks understand the
structural problems of the society more clearly—the title refers to the idea
that Blacks feel community problems first. The writers also highlight a number
of cases where there were successful organizing efforts, which while based upon
core black concerns, managed to bring in other cultural allies cultures while
reaching their goals, whether it was union organizing or ensuring black
participation in higher education after affirmative action plans have been
I suppose the only question I had about the proposed
remedies had to do with how grassroots organizing, no matter how inspired or
creative, can overcome structural hostilities. After all, what if the poisoning
of the canary is conscious? Still, if you’re looking for ideas as to how to
move the racial discussion into winnable areas, “The Miner’s Canary” comes
highly recommended during these dark and troubling times.
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